We are sold out (again)

Dear customers,

We would like to inform you that we are sold out again. Before our vacation, we ordered a new batch, but due to numerous pre-orders, it was completely bought up during our absence.

After our return, we worked tirelessly for three days packing and shipping orders. Our team was very busy and we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your enormous support and trust.

Due to the high demand, we are currently completely sold out. Orders received by August 3, 2024 have been processed. All further orders must either wait for the next batch and will then be processed with priority, or you can opt for a full refund. We leave this decision up to you.

As soon as the new batch, which is currently being produced, is ready for sale, we will inform you immediately.

We thank you again for your understanding and loyalty and wish you a wonderful summer.

Kind regards,

Your team at Remicals.de

Updated at 04.08.2024 22:33
Remicals.de Team